Arcturus is a star, one of our closest neighbours and one of the brightest.
In the 1930’s when astronomers were busy measuring the distance to nearby stars, Arcturus was believed to be 40 light-years distant. With emergent photocell technology employed at the 1933 World Fair in Chicago, the light from Arcturus was collected and used to activate a series of switches.
Light believed to originate at the time of the previous Chicago World Fair (the city had hosted it 40 years earlier) was used to illuminate and officially open the 1933 Fair.
Arcturus Accommodation
Includes two cabins, the aft serving as a guest suite. The galley (kitchen) with its fine woodwork is also faithful to the original design but incorporates all the benefits of modern appliances.
Arcturus cruises at 8 knots under full sail. She is swift, yet comfortable and smooth which appeals to both the experienced sailor and the novice.

Built in Maine in 1930, she is one of only nine boats from the John Alden 390 series.
General George Patton and his wife sailed the yacht to Hawaii where he was stationed. Later he sailed her back to the west coast when war seemed imminent.
After an active life cruising the Pacific, it was time for Arcturus to have an overhaul and refit in New Zealand.